Gann is the working title of a composition created by commission for the non-music label Research and Waves. The project is an outcome
research into speculative chart based numerology used in trading stocks, an area of economical pseudo science made popular by the mathematician William Delbert Gann.
Made in collaboration with the physicist/mathematician James Jackson the resulting recording uses the Gann square of 9 method as well as a 5 dimensional Hamiltonian system
to produce parameters of an FM synthesizer written in supercollider. The 5 dimensional Hamiltonian System spatializes the sound as well as defines the modulation index of the FM partials, whereas the square of 9 produces random seed variables that then choose intervals of the Super Just scale invented by computer tuned synth pioneer Wendy Carlos.
The mathematical system was written in Hanoi by James Jackson, the compositional system was written in Leipzig by myself and the resulting track was generated then composed using the sound files in the music/synth concrete tradition in Wembely by Emmett Glynn and myself.
The theme of the group release was transparencies, and
as a result all the re-search was partly displayed in a group show at Feld 5 Gallery Berlin, as well as performed live and included in suitable parts on this page. Special thanks to Anna-Luise Lorenz for the above artwork.