Noam Toran & Marloes Ten Böhmer | Sleeping Function ~ Zuiderzee Enkhausen ~ 2017

Sleeping Function is a contemporary rendition of a work song that resulted from a commission for the conceptual design studio Noam Toran & Maroles Ten Böhmer. The song was made in collaboration with lyricist Laurence (LT) Allen, singer Marianna Roë and animator Nestor Pestana resulting in a 5 channel ambient drone come folk piece taking its conceptual lead from the ASLAP (As Slow As Possible) movement as well as elements of rave schizophrenia. Technically the song is made using drawn out and granulated Auditory Icons pitched to harmonic minor intervals made via a custom SuperCollider patch with visuals generated in collaboration with Nestor Pestana. The song and video will be on display at Zuiderzee Enkhausen NL, until May 2018.