ÖM~ZEHN is a compositional project started in 2019 which uses a mixture of programming languges including Sonic-Pi, Supercollider and Tidal cycles to make fully programmed compositions. Musically the songs consits of a mixture of breaks, using self made funcitons in SonicPi and interweived with whole tone scales and chord combinations. Some of my musical inspirations of which I feel I base my sound on are coming from the early days of Jungle as well as computer sequenced Grime instrumentals.
Desync Me is a track made using the processes mentioned above that was made during the COVID pandemic lockdown, it was an experiment in over production and consisted of many sessions over just one idea, so far it is the only track released on the platfrom Bandcamp and is the last track I will make using my current set up as I transition to another way of making.
In 2021 I produced a collaboration with AFFIX consisting of a double tape release which required the two tapes be played at the same time. This was a direct inspiration taken from the artist Conrad Schnitzler who used to compose using multiple tapes decks and produce concerts where there would be multiple sound sources all synced from the press of the play button. The tapes were made by splitting the composition I made in 2019 Hexbreaker into two parts, the drums and bass, and the melody, then I refined the two parts to work on their own as we found out that most people do not possess two tape players; this was important for the parts to work independently.
In 2020 I produced an hour long mixtape of compositions made under the Öm~Zehn project for the fashion brand AFFIX.